DesignPLUS is an add-on to Canvas that uses LTI, Canvas API, and custom CSS and JavaScript files integrated with Canvas. DesignPLUS is comprised of two LTI tools and one JavaScript widget in the Canvas Rich Content Editor.
DesignPLUS is an add-on to Canvas that uses LTI, the Canvas API, and the ability inside Canvas to utilize custom CSS and JavaScript files to integrate with Canvas. DesignPLUS is comprised of two LTI tools and one JavaScript widget that works with the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE). These tools can be installed at the Canvas root account or in any sub-account within your Canvas instance.
DesignPLUS does not require the use of any student information, so it does not store any user data. It also does not store any course content. All content created with the tools is written as HTML into the Canvas RCE and stored as HTML in Canvas. Additionally, user information and authorization is all managed by Canvas. DesignPLUS stores an encrypted developer key that you provide upon installation (learn about DesignPLUS installation or learn about the developer key and OAuth tokens) and encrypted OAuth credentials for those who use the LTI tools.
As mentioned, DesignPLUS does make use of the Canvas API. You can read our detailed description of what APIs DesignPLUS uses and why.
The LTI tools, CSS files and JavaScript files required for DesignPLUS to operate are all SaaS delivered using AWS and maintained by Cidi Labs to continue to work with Canvas as it releases new code every three weeks.
Installation Overview
When DesignPLUS is installed in your Canvas instance, here's what we do:
- Root account > Developer Keys > Inherited Keys: We enable the Cidi Labs DesignPLUS and Cidi Labs Install inherited keys
- Root account > Developer Keys > Account Keys: We create two new LTI keys - Cidi Labs Multi-Tool LTI and Cidi Labs Upload/Embed Image LTI. The method for creating these keys is by URL.
- Target account (root or sub-account) > Settings > Apps: We create two apps at the target account - one for the Multi-Tool and one for the Upload/Embed Image tool. The method for creating these apps is By Client ID (found in the account level key)
- Target account (root or sub-account) > Courses: We create a new course and import the standard DesignPLUS template content that you can customize. The content from this course is used as templates and options within the Sidebar editor. The course is called DesignPLUS Primary Customizations.
- Target account (root or sub-account) > Themes: We add DesignPLUS CSS and JavaScript code to the CSS/JS file uploads in the theme. The CSS controls the styles applied to DesignPLUS content, and the JavaScript controls the Sidebar while editing content as well as rendering dynamic DesignPLUS content while viewing content.