Can DesignPLUS access be restricted to specific users?

There are four ways institutions can limit access to DesignPLUS. 

For information on how to limit access to the DesignPLUS sidebar, see our Admin Guide: Instructions for Customizing Account Settings.

Limitation Option Pros Cons
Hiding the Launch Button 

All CSS that applies to the saved content is loaded into the rich content editor but the slide-out toolbar is only available to everyone who knows a keyboard shortcut. Styling is visible so that if it is broken, the user can see what’s broken. Allows for a transition period into Design Tools as users are trained and taught the shortcut.

The two LTI tools are not limited. Users may discover Design Tools on their own.

Limit by Course Format

Make the tools only available to courses based on their format (On-Campus, Online, Blended).

Most institutions don’t actually use the course format in Canvas.

Limit by Role 
(based on user’s ability to edit content)

All tools are hidden based on role.

Styling is not visible in the rich content editor for any other roles meaning it’s more apt to be broken without knowing. Limited only to default Canvas roles not custom roles.

Limit by User ID

All tools are only available to the listed users.

Adding or removing users requires editing an array in the JavaScript. Styling is not visible in the rich content editor for any other user meaning it’s more apt to be broken without knowing.