Note: This article is relevant to the legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar installed before July 2023. If your institution installed or updated the DesignPLUS Sidebar after July 2023, please check the New Sidebar Guides and the New Sidebar FAQ.
For more information on creating a link that points to another element on the page, see this Knowledge Base Article: How do I create a link in DesignPLUS that jumps back to the top of a set of Tabs?
To create links that point to another location on the same page:
- Use the HTML Attributes tool to give the target an ID (example: myDestination)
- Create a link with the text you want (you will use Canvas to create the original link so initially this can point anywhere)
- Use the HTML Attributes tool to change the href attribute for the link to point to that ID with a # symbol in front of it (example: #myDestination).