Can I turn an entire Card into a Link in DesignPLUS?

Yes! You'll need to add a link inside a Card, then add the stretched-link class to the Card's attributes.

Yes! It is possible to make an entire Card selectable as a link in DesignPLUS. 

To turn an entire Card into a selectable link:

  1. If Advanced tools are not already enabled:
    1. Go to the kebab / More options menu.
    2. Select User Settings.
    3. Select Enable all Advanced Tools.
  2. Using the Add New Elements tab, add one or more Cards to your page, with content.
    a Card with text, but no link
  3. Place a Link inside each Card with DesignPLUS or through the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE).
    a Card with a link inside it
  4. Place your cursor inside the link in the RCE.
  5. Navigate to the Advanced tab in the sidebar and select Attributes.
    the Advanced tab, with a mouse cursor hovering over the Attributes tool
  6. Ensure that "a" is the selected target at the top.
    the Attributes tool, showing the "a" selected
  7. In the class field, enter: stretched-link
    the Attributes tool, showing stretched-link in the class field
    For more information, see Bootstrap: Stretched Link class.
  8. If desired, you can style the link into a Button using the sidebar:
    1. Place your cursor inside the link in the RCE.
    2. Select the Edit Current Elements tab in the sidebar.
    3. Select Link as the active tool.
    4. Use the Style panel to adjust the Button to your preferences.
      the Style panel of the sidebar, showing a blue outline Hover/Focus Link Style; a green solid Base Button Style; the Large (Lg) size selected; and the Fill Width option checked.
  9. Save your page to view your new linked Card.
    animated GIF showing the button inside the card changing as a mouse hovers over the card itself

Learn more about Button Styles in our DesignPLUS User Guide: Links and Buttons.