DesignPLUS CSS Class and Id List

A resource for users who utilize custom CSS to target DesignPLUS content

Some DesignPLUS users will utilize custom CSS in their Canvas stylesheets in order to further customize the DesignPLUS content in their Canvas instance. This list was created with these users in mind, especially those who have done this work with legacy DesignPLUS ids and classes that are now looking to install the new DesignPLUS Sidebar but would like to maintain these customizations in their CSS. When doing so, it’s important to leave the legacy code as is so that it can continue to function for content built with the legacy sidebar. In order to carry over these custom styles for new content, you would need to duplicate the custom CSS, but instead use the corresponding "dp-" CSS ids and classes for the new Sidebar and perhaps tweak the custom CSS slightly.  

Visit the DesignPLUS CSS Class and Id List spreadsheet to locate the new Sidebar classes and ids.  Please note that this is not a comprehensive list.  If your custom CSS requires additional mapping of legacy to new ids or classes, please contact us at and we can update the list by request.