- Cidi Labs Help Center
- DesignPLUS
- Legacy Sidebar FAQ
How does error reporting work in Design Tools?
Why you don't need to worry if you see "Congratulations! You found a bug"
Note: This article is relevant to the legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar installed before July 2023. If your institution installed or updated the DesignPLUS Sidebar after July 2023, please check the New Sidebar Guides and the New Sidebar FAQ.
The Design Tools sidebar automatically tracks some types of errors, including browser and database errors. If you see the "Congratulations! You found a bug" error message at the bottom of the Design Tools sidebar, you may not have encountered a bug that impacts the functionality of the tool. Nevertheless, we keep track of even small errors so that we can track trends and alleviate those issues if they can be resolved in monthly new releases.