Due to Canvas limitations, TidyUP will not recognize files as in use if they are stored only in a question bank. We've come up with a few best practices to avoid accidentally deleting these files.
- Have faculty members run the tool in their own courses.
- Faculty should know if quizzes are pulled from question banks stored in the course.
- Create a universal naming convention for your institution.
- Adding a prefix such as QB to the beginning of a question bank file name makes it easily recognizable.
- Embed question bank files in a locked or unpublished page or quiz.
- Embedding the files in a locked or unpublished page will make the files appear as "in use."
- Store question banks outside of the course.
- TidyUP will not scan files stored outside of the course being scanned. This means files drawn from external question banks housed in institutional, publisher, or other courses will not be deleted.
- Store question bank files in a recognizable folder.
- While this feature has not been deployed yet, the ability to ignore specific folders when running TidyUP is in development. Encourage faculty to start storing question bank files in a unique folder now to make it even easier once this feature is released.