When Canvas makes changes, we update code on our end to maintain continuity of our products.
From time to time, Canvas deploys contain changes that may affect Cidi Labs products. Our team is committed to keeping our code up-to-date with the latest changes from Canvas.
This includes changes that may affect the custom CSS and JavaScript that control our DesignPLUS product. Because the CSS/JS is hosted on our end, we are able to maintain the code for customers. Canvas warns users about potential hazards of using custom CSS and JS and does not take responsibility for any related consequences caused by Canvas releases. Cidi Labs will keep DesignPLUS code up-to-date and accessible for customers so they don't have to worry about keeping up with Canvas.
While we do monitor the Canvas release notes, there are times that changes are not identified in the notes and we're grateful when our customers help us identify these issues. We respond as quickly as possible to make sure that our products continue to function properly with any changes pushed by Canvas.
If you have questions, or believe you have found an instance in which Canvas changes are interfering with our products, please complete a support ticket. Thank you!