How do I build the legacy-style Module List that includes Quick Links to All using the new sidebar?

If you are building a Module List from scratch and want the legacy style that sets Quick Links to All, here are the steps to achieve this.

Steps to make the Module List interactive in a similar style to legacy Module Lists with Quick Links set to All.To get the above legacy style in the new DesignPLUS sidebar,

  1. Add a Module List under the Add New Elements tab using the sidebar
  2. Adjust the styles in the Style panel, as desired
  3. Under the Advanced panel, select the All button under Quick Links
  4. Choose the Button Tabs Quick Links Style
  5. Adjust the Default, Active, and Hover colors, as desired
  6. Set the Tab Controls to be Center by selecting Align Center
  7. Set the Tab Wdith to be Equal by selecting the Equal button

The Preview panel can be used to preview the Module List, and adjustments can be made, as desired.


Here is the comparison of the legacy sidebar vs new sidebar Module List with the settings applied.

Legacy Sidebar

Example of the Legacy Module List.

New Sidebar

Example of the New Sidebar Module List.