If you have successfully installed new ReadyGO and are no longer using legacy ReadyGO, here are the steps to disable legacy ReadyGO.
While legacy ReadyGO will continue to function, it can be disabled to declutter your Canvas instance's courses, users, and permissions. To disable the legacy ReadyGO:
- Delete the ReadyGO course
- Go to the account where ReadyGO was installed
- Search for any courses called ReadyGO Development Tracker
- Open the course(s)
- Go to the course Settings
- Select Delete this Course
- Delete the ReadyGO Admin User
Note: There will be a new ReadyGO Task Runner user with the email taskrunner@cidilabs.com. Do not delete that user.
- In the account where ReadyGO was installed, select People
- Search for any users called readygoadmin
- Select the user
- Select the option to Delete the user from your institution
- In the Permissions, delete the ReadyGO role
Note: There will be a new ReadyGO Task Runner permission. Do not delete the Task Runner permission.- In the account where ReadyGO was installed, select Permissions
- At the top, select Account Roles
- Locate the ReadyGO permission
- Select the ReadyGO permission
- Select the Trash icon to delete the permission
- Disable the legacy ReadyGO Inherited Key
Note: There will be 3 other LTI's with ReadyGO. The one that you will delete has Legacy in the name.- In the Root Account, select Developer keys
- Select the Inherited tab
- Locate the Cidi Labs Legacy ReadyGO LTI
- Turn off the LTI by toggling off the state
If you would like assistance removing the legacy ReadyGO, please reach out to our support team at support@cidilabs.com.