1. Cidi Labs Help Center
  2. ReadyGO
  3. Legacy ReadyGO Administration

How do I uninstall ReadyGO?

To uninstall ReadyGO from your Canvas instance, a Canvas admin will need to go to the root account and follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the Courses page and search for "ReadyGO Development Tracker"
  2. Delete the ReadyGO Development Tracker course
    1. Note: If there are multiple ReadyGO courses, this is because there were multiple installations of ReadyGO on various sub-accounts.  Delete all of these courses.
  3. Go to the People page and search for the user called "readygoadmin"
  4. Delete the ReadyGO Admin user
    1. Note: If there are multiple ReadyGO Admin users, this is because there were multiple installations of ReadyGO on various sub-accounts.  Delete all of these users.
  5. Go to the Permissions page and choose Account Roles.
  6. Find the role called ReadyGO and delete it.
  7. ReadyGO is now uninstalled in your Canvas instance.  Please notify Cidi Labs that you have removed the product.