How do I uninstall TidyUP?

To uninstall TidyUP, remove the LTI key and the app configuration in your account.

To uninstall TidyUP:

  1. Go to the account > Settings.
  2. Select the Apps tab at the top of the Settings page.
  3. Choose "View App Configurations"
  4. Find the TidyUP app and delete it.
  5. Go to the root account > Developer Keys
  6. Select the Inherited tab at the top of the Developer Keys page.
  7. Find Cidi Labs TidyUP.
    1. If it is on, then turn it off.
    2. If it is off, then leave it off.
  8. Now select the Account tab at the top of the Developer Keys page.
  9. FInd the TidyUP LTI key and delete it.
  10. TidyUP is now uninstalled.