How do we enable the DesignPLUS QuickStart Wizard for our institution?

In your DesignPLUS Primary Customizations Course, edit the Account Settings to "Enable the QuickStart Wizard Button for all users."

The amazing DesignPLUS QuickStart Wizard helps educators build engaging and beautiful pages of content quickly, easily, and accessibly!

To enable the QuickStart Wizard for your institution:

  1. Open your institution's Primary Customizations Course (or an Extended Customizations Course, if you want the Wizard available only to a particular Canvas subaccount.
  2. Edit the [Account Settings] page in your customizations course.
  3. Open the Advanced panel of the DesignPLUS Sidebar. 
    1. If you do not see the Advanced panel, use the kebab (More Options) menu of the sidebar, select User Settings, and enable all advanced tools.
  4. Click the Account Settings tool.
  5. Find the Enable QuickStart Wizard section.
  6. Check the Override JS Setting checkbox.
  7. Check the Enable the QuickStart Wizard Button for all users checkbox.
  8. Save the page.

To enable the QuickStart Wizard in a Subaccount:

If you would like to test the QuickStart Wizard and/or prepare your own training materials before launching it to your entire institution, you may enable it within a Canvas Subaccount in one of two ways:

  1. Follow the steps given above, but within an Extended Customizations Course, instead of a Primary Customizations Course.
  2. If you don't have an Extended Customizations Course in that Subaccount, and don't want to set one up, you may modify the Subaccount's Canvas Theme with the following Javascript: DpConfig.enableWizard = true;

Either method allows you to enable the QuickStart Wizard for a subset of classes, before launching it to your institution.