About every 72 hours, but you can scan courses on-demand at any time!
Automatic Data Refreshing
To avoid putting extra load on both your and our systems, we automatically re-scan course data every 72 hours from the last time it was scanned.
Also, to help make it easy to identify courses whose data may need refreshing, we mark courses that have not been scanned in the past 24 hours with a light purple diagonal stripe.
On-Demand Data Refreshing
You can refresh the data on-command in many ways!
- If you select the course's name from the Courses Table, it will take you to the Course Details page. This will automatically kick off a fresh scan of that course's data, and your page will refresh shortly with the new information.
- Also from the Course Details page, you'll have a button in the upper right that will "Sync LMS Data" on command.
- On the Courses Table, under the Actions column, you can follow these steps to Scan the Course.
- If you'd like to refresh the data for multiple courses, you may do so from the Courses Table by following these steps to Bulk Scan Courses. To receive the most prompt return of data from your batch scans, we recommend scanning a few courses at a time, rather than running a whole Batch of courses at once.