ReadyGO enables institutions to monitor course-level and institutional data that align with accreditation standards, streamline the self-study report process, and support continuous quality improvement.
Step 1: Assemble an Accreditation Review Team
Form a dedicated ReadyGO team responsible for preparing your institution for an accreditation review. This cross-functional team will coordinate the gathering of evidence and ensure that every course meets or exceeds quality standards.
Suggested Team Members:
- Accreditation & Compliance Specialists: Lead the review process and interpret accrediting standards.
- Academic Affairs Leaders: Oversee the alignment of academic programs with institutional goals.
- Department Heads: Ensure departmental courses adhere to quality standards.
- Instructional Designers: Support faculty in embedding best practices across courses.
- Faculty Representatives: Provide insights from the classroom perspective.
Step 2: Organize Courses into ReadyGO Batches for Accreditation Preparation
Create ReadyGO Batches to group courses in a way that best reflects your institution’s review strategy.
Option 1: Use your existing batch structure if your entire course portfolio is undergoing an accreditation review.
Option 2: Create a focused batch of high-impact courses such as core subjects or flagship programs where demonstrating quality is most critical.
Step 3: Create a Dedicated ReadyGO Status
Establish a unique ReadyGO Status to track each course’s progress in meeting accreditation standards. For example, label this status "Pending Accreditation Review" to provide clarity on where courses stand in the overall preparation process.
Step 4: Build a Comprehensive Checklist for Accreditation Review
Develop a ReadyGO Checklist that reflects both course-level quality and institutional practices critical for accreditation. Leverage other ReadyGO use case suggestions such as this one on QM, OEI, and RSI and expand or modify to capture broader institutional evidence.
Suggested Checklist Items to Consider:
Clear and Aligned Learning Outcomes: Verify that courses have explicitly stated, measurable learning outcomes that are consistently aligned with instructional materials and assessments.
Assessment Alignment and Flexibility: Confirm that assessments effectively measure the stated learning outcomes and offer diverse formats (e.g., projects, discussions, quizzes) to accommodate varied academic approaches.
Course Organization and Navigation: Ensure that course structures are intuitively organized and uniform, making it easy for students to locate materials and follow the curriculum.
Instructor Presence and Engagement: Assess whether instructors maintain an active presence through regular announcements, discussion contributions, and timely, constructive feedback.
Effective Use of Technology: Verify that technology tools are seamlessly integrated to support course delivery and enhance the learning experience.
Student Support and Resource Integration: Check that courses provide clear links to academic support services and supplemental resources that bolster student success.
Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensure that all course materials meet accessibility standards (e.g., captions, alt text, screen reader compatibility) and are available in alternate formats when needed.
Transparent Grading Practices: Confirm the use of clear rubrics and grading guidelines that communicate expectations and evaluation methods to students.
Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Evaluate the processes for collecting student feedback and making iterative improvements in course design based on that data.
Step 5: Create a Dedicated Quick View for Accreditation Monitoring
Set up a custom ReadyGO Quick View to display key data, allowing your team to continuously monitor compliance with accreditation standards.
Suggested Columns to Include:
- Standard columns from the ReadyGO Preset Quick View
- Homepage Type
- Grading Scheme
- Quiz Count
- Assignment Count
- Discussion Count
If your institution has access to UDOIT, consider integrating accessibility data into this Quick View. This additional information can be vital in monitoring compliance with accessibility standards as part of your accreditation review.
You Can Do It!
By leveraging ReadyGO’s systematic approach, your institution can efficiently prepare for an accreditation review. This structured process enables your team to monitor ongoing compliance with key academic quality indicators, ensuring that every course contributes to a comprehensive picture of academic excellence.