How Can I Use ReadyGO to Support Our MTSS Initiatives?

ReadyGO helps K-12 schools streamline Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) initiatives by monitoring student support systems, and ensuring consistency across courses.

Step 1: Assemble an MTSS Support Team in ReadyGO 

Form a ReadyGO team responsible for overseeing the implementation of MTSS aligned strategies and materials to meet your institution's goals. 

Suggested Team Members:

  • MTSS Coordinators
  • Instructional Coaches
  • Special Education Teachers
  • General Education Teachers
  • Counselors & Social Workers
  • Administrators

Step 2: Track MTSS Implementation Across Existing Course Batches

Instead of separating MTSS into its own batch, use ReadyGO to track and support interventions directly within the courses where they matter most. Apply MTSS-focused Checklists, Statuses, and Alerts to monitor progress across core subjects, advisory periods, intervention programs, and grade levels—while maintaining alignment with your existing batch structure.

Step 3: Create a new ReadyGO Status

Create a ReadyGO Status for tracking where each course stands in the MTSS integration process. This status could be called "Pending MTSS Review". 

Step 4: Build a Checklist for MTSS Integration

Build a ReadyGO Checklist  to ensure MTSS-aligned supports are consistently embedded in Canvas courses.

Here are some examples of MTSS aligned checklist items to consider:

  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies are applied – Ensures accessibility and multiple means of engagement. (Tier 1, Equity & Access)
  • Embedded Tier 1 academic supports – Scaffolding, differentiated instruction, and formative assessment opportunities are present. (Tier 1, Academic Supports)
  • Tier 2 targeted interventions are integrated – Small group instruction, reteaching modules, or intervention plans. (Tier 2, Academic & Behavioral Supports)
  • Tier 3 intensive supports are included where needed – Individualized learning plans and 1:1 instructional strategies. (Tier 3, Intensive Interventions)
  • SEL activities are incorporated – Reflection prompts, emotion check-ins, and self-regulation strategies. (Social-Emotional Learning, Whole-Child Approach)
  • Behavioral supports are in place – Clear expectations, positive behavior reinforcement, and restorative practices. (Tiered Behavioral Supports, PBIS, SEL)
  • Progress monitoring tools are available – Digital check-ins, goal-setting activities, or embedded reflection tasks. (Data-Based Decision-Making, Student Progress Monitoring)
  • Collaboration with support staff is built into courses – Teacher-to-student and teacher-to-support-staff communication tools. (Collaboration, Tiered Interventions, Equity & Access)
  • Family & caregiver involvement opportunities are included – Family engagement resources, communication tools, or culturally responsive outreach strategies. (Whole-Child Approach, Collaboration, Equity & Access)
  • Culturally responsive practices are integrated – Course materials, interventions, and supports reflect diverse backgrounds and learning needs. (Equity & Access, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Tiered Supports)
  • Data collection and review practices are in place – Embedded tools for tracking student progress, analyzing trends, and adjusting interventions. (Data-Based Decision-Making, Progress Monitoring, Tiered Supports)

Are there other checklist items that you think would be great additions? Let us know! 

Step 5: Create a Dedicated Quick View for MTSS Alignment  

Set up a ReadyGO Quick View and share it with your institution to track MTSS alignment across courses. This customized view will focus your team on critical aspects of MTSS. 

Suggested Columns to Include:

Start with the columns on the ReadyGO Preset Quick View, then add the following columns:

  • Homepage Type
  • Grading Scheme
  • Instructor Announcement Count
  • Discussion Topic Count
  • Assignment Count
  • Quiz Count

These cover some key elements of instructor presence, engagement, and assessments.

Step 6: Create ReadyGO Alerts to Support MTSS Alignment

Consider setting up ReadyGO Alerts to help identify courses that may be missing key elements of MTSS alignment. 

Suggested Alerts to Consider:

  • If peer collaboration is a key strategy for engagement, an alert could flag courses that contain fewer than two discussion topics.
  • If assignments are required for academic intervention tracking, an alert could flag courses where no, or few assignments have been published.
  • If grading consistency is essential for MTSS progress monitoring, an alert could trigger when a grading scheme is missing.

You Can Do It!

ReadyGO makes it easier to track and manage your MTSS initiatives across courses so you can focus on what matters—ensuring every student gets the support they need. By following these steps, you’ll have the tools to create a structured, data-driven approach to academic, behavioral, and intervention supports, helping students stay on track and succeed.