ReadyGO enables K–12 schools to monitor and verify that universal accommodations such as accessible content, flexible assessments, and intuitive course design are seamlessly integrated across courses.
Step 1: Assemble a Universal Accommodations Team
Form a dedicated ReadyGO team responsible for overseeing the rollout of universal accommodations. This team will support faculty in implementing inclusive practices school or district-wide.
Suggested Team Members:
- Instructional Coaches: Support teachers in integrating universal accommodations.
- Department Heads: Ensure alignment of accommodations with curriculum and school policies.
- School Counselors: Provide insights into student needs and social-emotional support.
- Classroom Teachers: Drive the day-to-day implementation of inclusive practices.
- Special Education Teachers: Provide specialized expertise on differentiated instruction and targeted accommodations, ensuring that every student's unique learning needs are met effectively.
Step 2: Organize Courses into a ReadyGO Batch for Universal Accommodations
Organize courses into ReadyGO Batches for monitoring accommodations using one of two approaches:
Option 1:
Use your existing batch structure if your entire course portfolio is undergoing a universal accommodations review.
Option 2:
Create a focused batch of high-impact courses—such as core subjects across various grade levels where prioritizing universal accommodations will have the greatest impact.
Step 3: Create a New ReadyGO Status
Establish a unique ReadyGO Status to track each course’s progress in integrating universal accommodations. For example, label this status "Pending Universal Accommodations Review" to maintain clarity throughout the process.
Step 4: Build a Checklist for Universal Accommodations
Develop a ReadyGO Checklist to guide your team in embedding key universal accommodations into courses. Ensure each item is actionable and directly tied to school policies on accessibility.
Possible Universal Accommodations Checklist Items:
- Accessible and Alternate Format Materials: Confirm that all course materials (documents, videos, images) are accessible (e.g., captions, alt text, screen reader compatibility) and available in multiple formats such as audio recordings or interactive digital versions.
- Multiple Means of Engagement: Ensure courses offer varied instructional methods to cater to diverse learning styles.
- Flexible Assessment Options: Verify that assessments provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate their learning—such as projects, discussions, or self-assessments.
- Consistent Navigation and Layout: Check that course structures are intuitive, uniform, and easy to navigate.
- Embedded Student Support Resources: Ensure that courses include clear links to tutoring, counseling, study guides, graphic organizers, and other supplemental materials.
- Opportunities for Student Choice: Confirm that assignments and projects offer options that cater to different interests and strengths.
- Varied Learning Resources: Ensure courses include a mix of materials (e.g., interactive modules, audio content, visual aids, study guides) to address diverse learning preferences.
- Opportunities for Collaboration: Provide structured chances for peer-to-peer interaction, group work, or discussions to support collaborative learning.
- Regular and Constructive Feedback: Verify that mechanisms are in place for timely feedback, allowing students to understand their progress and areas for improvement.
- Built-In Scaffolding: Embed support prompts, step-by-step instructions, and guiding questions within assignments to help all students navigate challenging tasks.
- Transparent Grading Criteria: Use clear rubrics and grading guidelines that explain how progress on learning objectives will be measured.
- Multiple Attempts or Revision Opportunities: Allow students to revise and resubmit work, emphasizing mastery and growth over one-time performance.
- Flexible Deadlines: Incorporate grading practices that accommodate flexible submission dates or extensions for students facing challenges.
- Process-Oriented Feedback: Recognize and reward the learning process throughout the course.
- Diverse Assessment Types: Ensure that grading is based on a variety of assessments (e.g., projects, discussions, self-assessments) to capture different skills and learning styles.
Step 5: Create a Dedicated Quick View for Universal Accommodations
Set up a custom ReadyGO Quick View to consolidate key data for monitoring universal accommodations. This view should provide a clear snapshot of course elements relevant to your initiative.
Suggested Columns to Include:
- Standard columns from the ReadyGO Preset Quick View
- Homepage Type
- Grading Scheme
- Quiz Count
- Assignment Count
- Discussion Count
Do you have other key data points that matter at your institution? Let us know!
Step 6: Create ReadyGO Alerts to Support Monitoring
Set up ReadyGO Alerts to automatically flag courses that may be missing key universal accommodations elements.
Suggested Alerts:
- Grading Scheme: Flag courses where a grading scheme is missing.
- Assignment Count: Notify your team if a course has a low assignment count, which might indicate missing interactive or feedback opportunities.
If your institution also uses UDOIT, you might explore adding accessibility-specific alerts as part of your broader monitoring process.
You Can Do It!
ReadyGO empowers K–12 schools to seamlessly embed universal accommodations across courses. By following these steps, your institution can take a proactive approach to creating a more inclusive learning environment, ensuring that every student has the supports they need to succeed.