8-18-2016: Mobile App Support Update - mobile app CSS and JS files

This notice was emailed to everyone on 8-18-2016, but is recorded here for reference. 

We have some exciting news. Kenneth has updated the Design Tools themes to work with all Canvas mobile apps now. To enable this support you'll need to update your Canvas theme with new custom mobile app CSS and Javascript files. Please do this at your convenience. 

This link contains the files you'll need plus a video overview of how to do it. 

The video contains more details (though it's real boring because Mike made it!), but the quick version is to do the following:

1. Download the two files from the Dropbox folder. 

2. Update the DT- canvas_global_app.css file with the same CSS additions/overrides that are contained in your current custom CSS file.

3. Open Canvas Theme editor

4. Upload the Mobile App CSS and JS files

5. Preview changes, save, and apply your theme

6. Then test a course out on the mobile apps 

While most themes should work fine you may find some bugs. Please share those with us. And, of course if you have questions about any of this please contact us at: support@cidilabs.com

css (137 Bytes) js (1.43 KB)