UPDATE: 8/5/2022 3:30PM MST
Status for products:
- Multi-Tool: Working - users will be asked to reauthorize the tool the next time they use it
- TidyUP: Working
- UDOIT Cloud (v2 and v3) - Working
- ReadyGO- Working for most customers. There are a few institutions remaining that will be working soon.
UPDATE: 8/5/2022 9:41AM MST
Our team has arrived at a solution for getting ReadyGO up and working. We will be testing and deploying this solution throughout the morning. Another update will be made when the ReadyGO updates are complete.
UPDATE: 8/4/2022 2:32PM MST
Due to some lingering permissions issues, all Multi-Tool users will be asked to reauthorize the tool next time they go in to make sure that the authorization has the correct Canvas scopes.
UPDATE: 8/4/2022 12:37PM MST
UDOIT Cloud (v3) should be up and working. Every user will be asked to reauthorize the tool.
UPDATE: 8/4/2022 12:18PM MST
For any users still experiencing errors with the Multi-Tool, try deleting your authorization from your Canvas user settings.
- Go to your user settings in Canvas
- In the Approved Integrations section, delete any that say Cidi Labs DesignPLUS
- After doing that, the next time you go into one of the tools inside the Multi Tool, you will be asked to authorize the tool. Canvas will then return a token with the updated permissions.
UPDATE: 8/4/2022, 11:40AM MST
Several institutions are reporting that there are still errors with Multi-Tool. We are investigating the problem further for this tool.
UPDATE: 8/4/2022, 10:40AM MST
We've pushed changes to TidyUP, Multi-Tool, and UDOIT Cloud (v2, not v3 yet). These LTI tools should be working now, but we will continue further testing and update this notice.
8/4/2022, 10:15AM MST
This morning we were made aware of a problem with LTI tool authorization and scopes. This error has been reported for the Multi-Tool, TidyUP, ReadyGO, and UDOIT. Canvas released new code on August 3, 2022, but do not include information about changes to their scopes in the release notes. However, we believe (but have not yet confirmed) that Canvas has changed the names of some of their scopes in that release which is causing the errors for our LTI tools. We have escalated the issue with the Canvas team and look forward to further information. We are also continuing troubleshooting on our end to confirm whether or not this is the only issue causing the error.
We will be in touch once a fix has been deployed. Thank you for your patience as we work to solve this problem as quickly as possible.