TidyUP Inherited Developer Key - Scoped Endpoints

TidyUP uses an inherited developer key, which is already scoped to only allow the endpoints TidyUP needs.

TidyUP uses an inherited developer key, which is already scoped to only allow the endpoints TidyUP needs. This is an important security feature for limiting the use of the Canvas API to its intended purposes. Developer keys are used to create tokens which grant access to the Canvas API. By scoping the developer key we are telling Canvas which API calls users have access to.

Scoped Endpoints

For information on the endpoints scoped in the inherited developer key for TidyUP, please visit the TidyUP User Guide: TidyUP Inherited Developer Key.

Installation process

See our TidyUP Installation Instructions.

Using an inherited developer key, by following the instructions given above, is a much simpler process than the manual dev key setup and it provides the same scoped security.