- Cidi Labs Help Center
- ReadyGO
- Legacy ReadyGO Frequently Asked Questions
What information is/is not available after a deadline has been archived?
An archived ReadyGO deadline's CSV includes the following columns:
- id
- inst_designer
- inst_id
- sis_course_id
- sis_start
- sis_end
- go_live_date
- program_id
- canvas_course_id
- update_status
- course_name
- published
- syllabus_used
- acct_id
- status_id
- total_students
- canvas_start
- canvas_end
- core_updated
- dates_match
- last_primary_updated
- update_by
- assign_total
- assign_updated
- pages_total
- modules
- tabs_visible
- tabs_update
- syllabus_tool_used
- front_pag
- note_id
- instructor_id
- last_activity
- total_activity
- grading_standard_id
- discussion_count
- course_code
- notes
- instructor view tool data
- checklists
Please visit the following link for information on how to retain Instructor View chat and checklist data.