Why is my content missing from the Due Date Modifier? Why are my templates missing from the Template Builder?

Sometimes, the Due Date Modifier and Template Builder do not show any course assignments or template names. This is because the API token is missing from the course. To force a new API token, open the Module Builder.

3/13/2025 Update: Our developers released a fix to resolve this issue.  If the issue is still happening, please notify our support team by emailing support@cidilabs.com or by filling out the Cidi Labs Support Form.

Due Date Modifier

If the content in the Due Date Modifier is missing titles and clicking on the existing content gives a 404 Error: Page Not Found, the Multi-Tool needs to force a new API token by going into the Module Builder.

The content in the Due Date Modifier are blank.

Template Builder

Likewise, if the Existing Templates are missing titles and clicking on the existing gives a 404 Error: Page Not Found, the Multi-Tool needs to force a new API token by going into the Module Builder.

The Existing Templates in the Template Builder are blank.

Force a New API Token

To fix this, open the Module Builder within the Multi-Tool. This will force a new API token to be generated.

Open the Module Builder by selecing either the Module Builder tab or the Module Builder from Multi-Tool Home.