Why can't I see the DesignPLUS Library tool in my Advanced tools?

If the DesignPLUS Library tool is missing from the Advanced tools, ensure the tool is enabled in your User Settings and that you are editing a Customizations page.

The DesignPLUS Library will only appear once the tool is enabled in the Advanced tools and also only while editing a Customizations page.

Enabling the Library in the Advanced Tools

To enable the Library tool in the sidebar,

  1. Select the More Options tab (the kebab menu)
  2. Select User Settings
  3. Scroll down to Enable all Advanced tools
  4. Enabled DesignPLUS Library Tool toggled on in the User Settings.Check that the Enable DesignPLUS Library Tool is toggled on

Ensure You Are Editing a Customizations Page

The Library tool will only appear when you are editing a Customizations page. A Customizations page requires brackets in the title (e.g., [Template], [Content Blocks], etc.). The brackets are specific to which tool is integrated into each tool. Learn more about customizations in our Admin Guide.

For more information on the DesignPLUS Library, see the DesignPLUS User Guide: Library.

If the Library tool is still not appearing, please reach out to our support team at support@cidilabs.com.