Why do some DesignPLUS features break using the Canvas toolbar and Rich Content Editor?

If you use the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE), you may find that some tools break styles or functionality of features built using the DesignPLUS sidebar. Here are the tools we recommend using the sidebar to make edits to prevent the loss of HTML.

Our developers do their best to make it so various tools do not break while using the Canvas Rich Content Editor. However, some tools can break the styling of DesignPLUS elements while using the Canvas RCE.

If you find something is broken and need help fixing it, please contact support@cidilabs.com with the HTML and a screenshot of the issue attached.

Banner Title

The Banner Title has many underlying <span> tags in the HTML that allow users to adjust and add styles. Those spans can be accidentally removed while deleting and adjusting text directly using the RCE. Likewise, adding links or additional tools within the Banner Title using the Canvas toolbar can remove styles created by the <span> tags.

Steps to Adjust the Banner Title Text.We recommend using the sidebar to add or adjust text within the Banner Title. To adjust the Banner Title text, 

  1. Select the Banner Title in the RCE
  2. Under the Edit Current Element tab of the sidebar, select the Banner Title Tool
  3. Open the Content panel
  4. Adjust or remove the Prefixes, Title, Subtitle, and Description, as desired

For more information on the Banner Title tool, see the DesignPLUS User Guide: Banner Titles.





We have had reports of lists wrapping around the <div> tag containing the dp-wrapper class. This is due to how Canvas has built its list tool. The Canvas Rich Content Editor converts any parent element containing a list into a list. The issue usually occurs when adding a list or changing the list type using the Canvas toolbar.

We recommend using the sidebar to add lists to a page. To add a list,

  1. Place your cursor in the editor where you want the new list to go
    or use your cursor to select multiple existing paragraphs.
  2. Open the Add panel
  3. Select List: Ordered or List: Unordered

Steps to adjust the List Style Using the DesignPLUS sidebar.We recommend using the sidebar to adjust the list type. To do this,

  1. Select the list in the RCE
  2. Under the Edit Current Element tab of the sidebar, select the List tool
  3. Open the Style panel
  4. Adjust the List type to the desired style.

For more information on Lists, see the DesignPLUS User Guide: Ordered and Unordered Lists.

If users do not have access to the DesignPLUS sidebar, the Canvas toolbar can be used to adjust the list style type. This is done by removing the list and reapplying the new list style. To do so,

  1. Highlight the entire list in the RCE
  2. Select the current list type in the Canvas toolbar
  3. Re-highlight the entire list in the RCE, which is now in a group of paragraphs
  4. Select the new list type in the Canvas toolbar

The workaround to reapply the list style type using the Canvas toolbar.