Why does the accessibility checker show a color contrast error for the medallion/apple/bookmark theme's banner prefix?

Accessibility checkers will incorrectly flag the banner prefix text because they don't recognize the color of the background images used

Note: This article is relevant to the legacy DesignPLUS Sidebar installed before July 2023. If your institution installed or updated the DesignPLUS Sidebar after July 2023, please check the New Sidebar Guides and the New Sidebar FAQ.

Unfortunately, the Medallion, Apple, and Bookmark themes cannot prevent accessibility checkers from incorrectly flagging the text as a color contrast error. The contrast is correct to human readers (meaning it's not actually an error), but it just can't be read programmatically by a machine because these themes use an image background to create the medallion/apple/bookmark. The checker does not account for image backgrounds.


So the options to resolve the issue are:
  1. Keep the medallion/apple/bookmark and ignore the incorrect contrast errors from the accessibility checker.
  2. Change the background color of the text (this will hide the medallion/apple/bookmark) so the accessibility checker does not mark it as an error.
  3. Change to a different DesignPLUS theme.