Why don't I see the Course Upgrade tool in my Course Settings?

The Course Upgrade tool is one of the new DesignPLUS Course Tools that can only be accessed from the Settings page in the Canvas course.

There are a couple of reasons why you might not see it in the settings. Because this tool is still in Beta, you will need to enable it in your User Settings.

To do this:

  1. Edit a page and open the new DesignPLUS sidebar.
  2. Click on the overflow menu (three dots) in the top right of your sidebar.
  3. Select User Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Enable Beta Tools, and check the box next to Enable Beta Tools.

    Enable beta tools

If you are still unable to see the Course Upgrade tool in your Course Settings, make sure that you have the new DesignPLUS sidebar loaded. If your Legacy sidebar is loaded, the tool will not show in the Course Settings. 

To switch versions from Legacy to the new sidebar, please see our User Guide: Switching between Versions.

Users may need to use the keyboard shortcuts alt/option+shift+d to open the sidebar, if it is hidden.  

Want more information on the Course Upgrade tool? Check out our User Guide: Course Upgrade.