DesignPLUS Sidebar Resources

We've collected all the resources related to the DesignPLUS Sidebar in one place for your convenience.


Requesting a Sidebar Sandbox Course

Your team can set up a DesignPLUS sandbox course in our Canvas instance to check out the Sidebar for yourself.  Go ahead, take it for a test drive!

Click here to request a sandbox course.

DesignPLUS Guides

These guides offer loads of information, examples, and instructions for using the tools:

Training for DesignPLUS

Live train-the-trainer sessions are offered on a regular and pre-scheduled basis, delivered via Zoom, and recorded for your reference later.  

View our Schedule of Live Training

We also offer an on-demand version of our DesignPLUS Sidebar Training, that can be accessed by anyone at your institution.

Sign up for sequenced video-training via email!

Or choose your own adventure by browsing our Searchable Video Hub.

Getting Started

Here are some 1-2 page documents to help you quickly get started and refer back to as needed. 

Sidebar Customizations

You can create your own tutorials to integrate directly in the Sidebar. In order to do this, you'll need to use the [Tutorials] template that has a specific structure required for the Sidebar to properly load your tutorial content.  Since the [Tutorials] template is a single page and not a course file, you can only access it via Canvas Commons.  Go to the Commons and search for "cidi labs tutorial" to import to your new customizations course.  Visit the Admin Guide for detailed instructions about creating tutorials.

search results for cidi labs tutorial in canvas commons

Are you a DesignPLUS Legacy customer transitioning to the new Sidebar?  

Check out the resources we've put together to help you transition to the new Sidebar in this KB Article