How is the DesignPLUS Sidebar different than Canvas' Rich Content Editor tools?

DesignPLUS allows users to go far beyond what is possible using only the native Canvas tools

The Rich Content Editor in Canvas comes with standard tools to help you create basic content.  All of these tools can be used in tandem with the DesignPLUS Sidebar tools, with a few exceptions.  DesignPLUS offers a much, much larger array of options for you to use when building content.  DesignPLUS tools seamlessly add content with specific CSS classes and HTML structures into the Canvas editor so you don't need any coding skills to achieve great designs.  The code produced by the sidebar is recognized by the Cidi Labs CSS/JS files that have been integrated into your Canvas theme.

Canvas also has a native Accessibility Checker tool that can be used while editing content.  Again, this tool can be used together with the DesignPLUS accessibility checkers.  In many ways, the two overlap.  However, there are unique rules that are checked by both.