I have Canvas for Elementary, how does DesignPLUS work?

DesignPLUS works on the Home Page of Canvas for Elementary in the Canvas for Elementary Dashboard. DesignPLUS works with anything you can edit using the Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE).

If you're using Canvas for Elementary, you can use DesignPLUS. DesignPLUS works identically to normal Canvas.

You can edit the Home Page using DesignPLUS if it's part of the Canvas Elementary Dashboard. Most things you can edit with the Canvas RCE will also work with DesignPLUS. You can learn more about this in our Knowledge Base: Where can the RCE tools be used?

Below is how the sidebar looks while editing a page in Canvas for Elementary.

An example of what the sidebar looks like in Canvas for Elementary.

Where are the LTI tools?

The Multi-Tool is found under the Resources tab alongside other LTI tools.

The Multi-Tool is found under the Resources tab.


Below are some examples of how DesignPLUS can be used with Canvas for Elementary.An example Dashboard of a page with Canvas for Elementary.

Another example of a page with Canvas for Elementary that was designed using DesignPLUS.

If you have any problems with or questions about DesignPLUS and Canvas for Elementary, email us at support@cidilabs.com.