Why is the Upload/Embed Image tool blank?

If the Upload/Embed Image tool is blank, it is likely an old install prior to 2020 and needs to be upgraded to LTI 1.3. This article contains further details and instructions on how to upgrade.

If you are seeing a blank Upload/Embed Image tool and have not upgraded to LTI 1.3, it is likely an old install prior to 2020. If you have an old version of the Upload / Embed Image tool, it will no longer function, as expected, and our developers do not plan to update the old code.

The fix is to Upgrade to LTI 1.3 for the Upload/Embed Image tool, and the instructions are provided in this Knowledge Base Article article: DesignPLUS and LTI 1.3.

For information on the new (2020) Upload/Embed Image tool, see this Knowledge Base article: How is the new (2020) Upload/Embed Image Tool different and how can we update?

If you have LTI 1.3 installed, but the Upload/Embed Image tool is blank, please reach out to support at support@cidilabs.com to troubleshoot further.